This platter has got to be one of my prize possessions. This was my Mimi's china. My Aunt passed it to my Dad - and he gave to me last year. I am afraid to use it. Terrified really. I cleaned this platter tonight, scared the entire time I was going to chip or damage it (I am a major clutz - ask anyone).
And then my youngest walked up and wanted to help wash dishes. Now, these dishes will go to her one day since it is my Mimi she is named after - "Jean". But I really don't have many if any memories of Mimi so just holding this platter tonight made me think about the dinner parties she may have had, was my Mom there with my Dad? Was this used during a celebration of some kind? Holiday? What kind? Did they use it when they had Mom over for dinner before she was their daughter in law? And what about the missing salad plate. Who broke that? A grandchild? Child? My Dad?
These dishes are a piece of history, they have stories to tell that are so much more amazing and deep then dishes you can buy today. Here are just a few of the amazing china and transferware pieces available at ARTifacts. Even some jewelry that taken broken and chipped transferware pieces and repurposed them into amazing collectible, one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces.

I love the simplicity of this china. It is wonderful.
This set of

There is an entire place setting that goes with this. I love it cuz it can be dressed up OR down. I can totally see it as an every day set of dishes - they are fun!


Who wouldn't love to have a cup of hot tea in these fabulous cups?

How about handles from teacups - they make PERFECT napkin holders (Paige from Hodgepodge gave me this idea for them for the Mother Daughter Tea we did a couple weeks ago). It looked GREAT!!!
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