Aigilean Designs, by Erin Slauson, is our featured artist for August. I really enjoy Erin's pieces - I love the raw look and feel of the raku pieces. Do you know what Raku is? I didn't either until Erin moved into ARTifacts. She explained it to me.
Here is a lesson for you! Taken from

Raku pottery is created with a specific ceramic firing process that uses both fire and smoke to create unique patterns and designs. With raku pottery, the piece is first bisque fired. Then, it is glazed and undergoes a raku firing process. The raku firing process requires a special raku kiln that is fueled by propane and reaches temperatures of about 1800°F (about 982°C).
In order to complete the firing process, the raku pottery must remain in the kiln for approximately 30 minutes. The raku pottery is then removed from the kiln using specially designed raku tongs. While the raku pottery piece is still hot and glowing, it is placed inside a metal can full of combustible materials. The heat emitted from the raku pottery causes these materials to catch on fire. "

You can imagine the amount of work involved in getting this kind of pottery art mastered. I just love Erin's results!
She also features her wheel thrown and handbuilt works in both the raku and stoneware.
She offers all these items and more:
Nonfunctional bowls, food safe bowls, cups, vases, mugs, sculpture and masks.
These photos don't do her work justice. Come in and see for yourself!
