By now you all know we have workshop space that is available for renting. For the Saturday's in August - we are booked with a really exciting set of classes. Photoshop Elements!
Here is the class outline. Sign up at ARTifacts today!
Photoshop Elements Classes
Saturdays in August
11am to 1pm
Each Class $20 or all three for $55
Must be pre-paid (Class must have a minimum of 3 students, max of 7)
Intro to Photoshop Elements: Level 1 – Saturday, August 1 OR 81. Quick tour of tools bar and element
2. Organizing functions
a. Create albums and importing images
3. Adjusting color in images
a. Fix exposure problems
Intro to Photoshop Elements: Level 2 – Saturday, August 15 OR 231. Repairing and retouching images
a. Cropping
b. Red eye
c. Removing unwanted items
d. Removing backgrounds
e. Enhancing foreground
2. Adding text
3. Working with bitmap, grayscale, and indexed color modes
Intro to Photoshop Elements: Level 3 (level 2 class required before sign up is allowed) – Saturday, August 301. Paintbrush mode
2. Combining multiple images
3. Advanced Editing techniques
4. Create postcards, calendars, etc