While I am sure that the sizzling summer is not complete – our SIZZLING SUMMER SALE has just one day remaining! I promise, you don’t want to miss out on these sales!

So you want specifics?? I keep hearing that, “who is included in the sale?? Is my favorite artist on sale??” “…my favorite antique dealers??”…Well, I was going to keep it all a big secret – trying to get you to come INTO the store to check it out for yourself – here is a list of all the participating vendors.
LilyBelle Antiques – 15% everything!
20% off these vendors: Jo Rhoads Antiques, Bob the Builder, Jillian Romano, Gail Meyer, Oh Baby’s furniture, Relative Collections #26 items – all on sale!!!
25% off all necklaces, and $3.99 for all earrings!! in Sharla’s Jewelry.
30% off for Reisa Peters!, and Relative Collections #25 items - WOW!!
35% off booth 40!!
The Daisy is having a sticker sale,
Reisa is also offering buy an art card, get one free!!
Get a free medium hair clip from Tutu Good with the purchase or order of a tutu!
And Jennifer Reverri travel photography is offering buy one framed item, get 2nd item for 25% off!
Gabriele Wardiener is offering 10% off all items over $15.
AND spend more than $20 and receive a free ICE CREAM from ARTifacts!!!
Now was I right or was I right? You don’t want to miss this sale!
See you downtown – TOMORROW!!